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Information / Statistics
01.This software is programmed using C# Visual Studio 2008, which is developed by Microsoft Corporation
02.The data is stored using the backend SQL 2005, 2008, 2012.
03.This software was launched in October 2010 and till date we have 2941 installations of the same.
Technical Features
01.Designed & Developed exclusively by Mr. Muffazzal Hafiji (Mufi), who has been programming since 1987.
02.Single executable file, so no need to copy and register hundreds of files. Also single executable file means less memory required.
03.Compatible with 64-bit O/S, thereby maximising the output of your costly computers.
04.All reports designed using Crystal Reports. All Reports can be printed or saved in PDF, DOC, XLS, TXT, HTML or Emailed directly using any of these formats.
05.New improved data structures for super fast retrieval of data & generation of reports.
06.In-built Help Manual for quick referencing.
07.Allows remote access of data for accounts integration, controls & branch monitoring.
08.In-built option to download a new copy of the xLWebPro EXE file. Entire process takes about 15 seconds.
09.Database stored on your computer system, this allows you to have full control on your valuable data.
Software Features
01.Account Heads can be created any time for any accounting year, ie. you can create Accounts Heads in the Previous Year even after transferring balances to the Next Year.
02.Repost Data Entries option is eliminated. Your Trial balance will always be tallied.
03.Repost O/S Entries option is eliminated. Your Net Outstandings will always be accurate & correct.
04.Online Real-time integration of data from your web portal.
05.CRS data integration with Abacus, Amadeus, Farelogix, Galileo, Sabre & Worldspan systems.
06.Statistical reports are provided with Graphs for a clearer understanding of the trends.
07.Most calculations like Airline Commissions, Service Tax, TDS, etc. are User Defined and Date Specific.
08.Sub-ledger's can be created for any Master Account. Opening Balances can be updated for each Sub-ledger account and also Bill-wise Opening Amounts can be updated.
09.Currency-wise books of accounts can be maintained.
10.Account Posting for every Invoice / Credit Note can be viewed as a Journal Entry.
11.TDS receivable from Airline / Supplier is posted Sub-Ledger-Wise for every Airline / Supplier.
12.Updating Sales entries automatically updates the Purchase entry also, including the calculation of Service Tax Liability. Every entry immediately updates all Master Balances, so you can view the Trial Balance, Profit/Loss, etc. instantly.
13.Create your own series for Invoices, Credit Notes, Receipts, etc.
14.Automatic creation of New Year Directory and transfer of all balances and un-adjusted invoices, credit notes, etc.
15.Uniformity in all Data Entry Screens, so less time spent on training your staff for different modules.
16.CLUB Invoicing gives you the option to prepare just one invoice per client for a day or week. This reduces your ledger size and saves on time and money.
Ticketing Module Features
01.Single Invoice can be raised for International Tickets and/or Domestic Tickets and/or Misc. Services.
02.Single amount invoice can be printed so that client is not shown the break-up for every service charged in this invoice.
03.Option for charging 3 (three) Service Charges for every ticket, and provision to either print these Service Charges seperately or MIX them with the Basic Fare and/or taxes.
04.In case Service Charge is Mixed with the Basic Fare, the Service Tax charged to the client will be calculated on this inflated Basic Amount. Whereas Service Tax payable will be as per law.
05.Discounts offered to the client can be bifurcated under Standard Discount, Incentive Discount and PLB. These can be Automatically picked up from respective Master Files.
06.Print and/or Email a colourful Invoice with your Company Logo and Signature of the staff who prints this Invoice.
07.Facility to mark a DUAL Client for those Invoices where extra tracking is required. (Specially in case of Walk-in Pax Account)
08.Faicility to mark the Staff and/or Broker responsible for this sales.
09.Entire calculations for a ticket displayed/editable on a single screen. Also font-size is big enough for clear reading.
10.Each and every detail mentioned on a ticket is captured during data entry. This results in accurate reports being generated in future with minimum effort.
11.Facility to feed Future Accounted Commissions & PLB from the Airlines, which have to be claimed seperately at a later date.
12.TDS Exemption control for Clients & Suppliers.
13.Multiple Corporate Card accounts (Bank Cards) can be maintained.
14.Tickets can be issued in any Currency, Sales & Purchase can be in different currency.
15.BULK Updations of Discounts & Commissions after completion of the fortnight, with automatic re-calculation of Service Tax & TDS.
16.Accounting can be done for Commissions/Discounts or Sales/Purchase. In-built option is provided for you to select the Accounting Method.
17.A ticket can be sold on Cash, Credit, Credit Card (UATP) or Bank Card (Corporate Card).
18.Supplier Ticket-Wise Statements can be generated not only for Regular Supplier, but also for Bank Card Suppliers.
Misc. Module Features
01.This module allows you to make invoices for any & every type of service / product you deal in.
02.Alongwith the Sales account, the Purchase is also updated instantly.
03.You can feed different Basic Amount for Sales (Client part) and Purchase (Supplier part). All subsequent calculations are based on these 2 Basic Amounts only.
04.You can provide for different Currency for Sales (Client part) and Purchase (Supplier part).
05.While booking Misc. Purchase for Rent, etc., you can deduct TDS and pay only the balance amount to the Supplier .
06.TDS deducted by Clients (Form 16) can be directly marked in the invoice itself.
Rail Module Features
01.Single Invoice can be raised for Rail Tickets, Air Tickets, Misc. Services, etc.
02.Single amount invoice can be printed so that the client is not shown the break-up of fares and charges.
03.Option for charging 3 (three) Service Charges for every ticket.
04.Print and/or Email a colourful Invoice with your Company Logo and Signature of the staff who prints this Invoice.
05.Facility to mark a DUAL Client for those Invoices where extra tracking is required. (Specially in case of Walk-in Pax Account)
06.Faicility to mark the Staff and/or Broker responsible for this sales.
07.Entire calculations for a ticket displayed/editable on a single screen. Also font-size is big enough for clear reading.
08.Each and every detail mentioned on a ticket is captured during data entry. This results in accurate reports being generated in future with minimum effort.
09.Tickets can be issued in any Currency, Sales & Purchase can be in different currency.
10.Tickets can be queried based on Ticket Number and / or PNR Number.
Hotel Module Features
01.A seperate Hotel Master is provided, with markings for Group, Location, City & Star ratings.
02.Hotel Tariff's can be defined exhaustively for direct dealing with the Hotels or through a Supplier.
03.Hotel Tariff's can be defined based on Room Type, Meal Plan, Room View, Currency & Tariff Type for a given period.
04.Hotel Tariff's are defined alongwith the Purchase Costing.
05.Multiple Hotel Sales can be done from one single invoice. You can also create a Hotel Sales entry from an INT. / DOM. Ticket Invoice.
06.While Invoicing, you can get Help to choose the correct Tariff for Sales.
07.Since Room Rates are automatically picked up, you have to only feed the number of rooms required in each category.
08.Sales and Purchase are both updated simultaneously.
09.Individual Hotel Voucher is printed to give to the client.
10.Since Hotel Voucher is linked with the Sales Entry, a major control is established to avoid un-billed vouchers.
11.Room Night Analysis can be generated, which can be a useful bargaining tool when you are negotiating with hotels for a better rate.
Car Rental Features
01.Define un-limited Vehicle Categories, Usage Types, Drivers & Vehicles.
02.Vehicle Master has provision to define all important dates for RTO, License, PUC, Insurance, Fitness, etc.
03.Tariff Master for Customer based on Vehicle Category, Usage Type and 5 types of calculation methods.
04.Tariff Master for Supplier based on Vehicle Category, Usage Type and 5 types of calculation methods.
05.Multiple Car Rental entries in one single invoice.
06.Car Rental entries can be mixed with Air Tickets, Hotel entries, etc. in one single invoice.
07.Monthly Invoicing available, calculates extra hours & extra KM's based on monthly limit.
Visa Module Features
01.Define un-limited Countries and Visa Types.
02.Tariff Master for Customer based on Country & Visa Type, clearly showing the Counsulate Fees and our Service Charges seperately.
03.Tariff Master for Supplier based on Country & Visa Type, clearly showing the Counsulate Fees and their Service Charges seperately.
04.Multiple Visa entries in one single invoice.
05.Provision to define 5 Service Charges for every Visa Entry.
06.Visa Entries can be mixed with Air Tickets, Hotel Entries, etc. in one single invoice.
Tour Features
01.Define each GIT / FIT as a Tour Master, giving a short description for the same.
02.Every transaction must be marked with the respective Tour Code.
03.Tour-Wise profitability report can be generated.
04.Tour-Wise funds flow report can be generated.
05.You can mark an Invoice as Tour Invoice, and then GST for Air Tickets and all other Services will be calculated as per Package Tour Rate.
06.TCS is calculated on Interrnational Tour at the prescribed rate.
07.You have the facility to feed PAN Number in every invoice of Tour Sales so that individual client accounts need not be created. And TCS report will be printed PAN-wise.
Tour Booking Features
01.This module allows you to prepare Tour Quotations.
02.You can prepare quotations by considering Air Fare, Rail Fare, Hotel, Sightseeing, Meals, SIC, Visa, Private Transfers, etc.
03.This module allows you to define various SightSeeing options and feed Tariff's (Entry Fees) for the same.
04.This module allows you to define various Meals options and feed Tariff's for the same.
05.This module allows you to define various SIC options and feed Tariff's for the same.
06.To prepare a quotation, you must firstly define the Tour Starting & Ending Dates, followed by Nos. Of Pax, (Adults, Children & Infants).
07.Select and define various costings for Air Fares, Visa Charges, Hotel Accomodations, Meals, Sightseeings, Transfers, etc by identifying the date and time.
08.You can easily remove / add various options as per the requirements of the pax.
FFMC Features
01.Seperate Master Option for feeding New TC's stock and B/F Un-Settled TC's stock.
02.Similarly, Seperate Master Option for feeding Enc. TC's, VTM, DD's, etc.
03.Seperate Master entries for Discounts, Commissions and Brokerage based on Purchase/Sales, Currency, Curr Type, etc.
04.Pax Name look-up facility while preparing Cash Memo & Encashments.
05.Marking of Cost Center, Tours also available in FFMC entries.
06.Look up facility for searching TC's, VTM's, etc.
07.Currency not allowed to be sold unless available in stock.
08.Entire calculation displayed on screen and any one change will automatically update all other fields accordingly.
09.Stock valuation updated automatically while doing Sales & Purchase entries.
10.ALL FLM reports in prescribed formats.
11.Seperate option for re-valuation of Closing Stock.
12.Host of Statistical reports (with Graphs) to analyse trends.
13.Statement showing accurately all Un-Settled TC's, VTM's, etc.
14.NIL Reports for Suspicious & CTR available.
15.CTR XML available, to upload on FIU website.
Flight Quota Module
01.Special module designed for maintaining advance purchased flight inventory.
02.Separate Purchase & Sales entry.
03.Make the Purchase entry when you have made the agreement with the airline.
04.Purchase entry allows you to feed the PNR, Sector, Flight Number & Date, Nos. of seats blocked, fare per single seat.
05.Purchase account is updated, Stock is updated and airline outstanding is created and can be matched when part payments are done.
06.Sales entry will list all available flight blocks, and you can select the flight you wish to sell.
07.Sales entry automatically picks up all relevent information from the Purchase entry, plus you have to add your service charges and complete the sales entry.
08.Sales account is updated, and Stock is reduced proportionately.
09.Based on the Sales entry, balance inventory report is available.
10.Un-sold seats in one account year are automatically c/f to next accounting year.
11.Generate PNR-Wise or Flight Date-Wise Passenger list.
12.Host of fantastic reports like PNR-Wise balance seats, Stock Report, Stock Valuation Report, PNR-Wise Profit Report, etc.
CRS Interface Features
01.CRS Interface option is in-built in the same xLWebPro executable file. So no need to maintain seperate executable file.
02.CRS Interface processes all existing GDS present in your country. Opting for this module makes all GDS interface available to you.
03.In case the PNR is created with special Remarks, this PNR will be automatically invoiced while running the Interface option. No Human Interference required.
04.CRS integration ensures 100% efficiency in data entry, which directly results in 100% accurate reports and analysis. Most manual data entry operators DO NOT feed flight details.
05.Data Entry operators complete more work per shift as most data entry details are picked up automatically.
06.Once you code the Client in the PNR Remarks, the Invoice shall get automatically prepared and all accounting is completed upto Balance Sheet.
Online Customer Reporting Features
01.This option is very useful for those travel agencies who are Net Savvy and whose clients are also Net Savvy.
02.Reduces the burden of your Accounts Staff. They no longer have to waste time in preparing and sending statements to clients.
03.Each client has their own unique login ID and password.
04.On clicking a link from your existing portal, your client can view their statements, print invoices, etc. all within the cosy confines of their office or residence and at their own leisure time.
05.This facility allows your Accounts Staff to spend their time on more productive work. This results in direct savings to you.
06.This facility can be hosted from our server also. No need for you to spend money on procuring domain name, web space and web designing.
07.These reports can be generated based on client-staff-wise, such that every client has few staff defined and in turn these staff have certain employee accounts under them.
WEB Portal Integration Features
01.Instantly update your accounts database with the Air Tickets issued on your web portal.
02.A seperate Invoice Series is maintained for each category of Portal Transactions.
03.Not only are the accounts updated, but the Invoice can also be emailed to the client.
04.Misc., Rail, Hotel, Visa, etc. transactions can also be integrated using the feature.
05.Receipts, Payments, JV's captured online can also be integrated.
06.Data is pushed from your Web Portal to a middle database, from where it is automatically picked up in accounts, without any staff interference.
Customer MIS Reports
01.These are graphical reports designed by us for the reporting to your corporates.
02.These graphs can be generated by your staff using xLWebPro package, or the client can directly login to our online reporting website and generate the same themselves.
03.Your client can view their own formatted graphs or choose from graphs requesetd by other clients.
04.These reports can be generated based on client-staff-wise, such that every client has few staff defined and in turn these staff have certain employee accounts under them.
Re-Seller Module (K3 Tax)
01.Re-Seller Module is used for taking the K3 input from Airline into our account by putting our GST number in the airline reservation system.
02.While raising invoice to the client, we then collect this K3 as GST tax (either IGST or CGST/SGST).
03.This will result in the client not getting the fare breakup from the airline, and this helps the Travel Agent hide their markups from their clients.
Revenue Module (Non Accounted)
01.While making AIr Ticket invoice, you are asked for data entry for Non Accounted commissions.
02.These are commission due from other suppliers on this transaction.
03.One such commission is the Corporate Card CashBack, which the bank gives the T/A for paying for the airline ticket.
04.This commission differs between card companies and different airlines, and can be defined in the appropriate Master records.
05.Another such commission is the CRS booking commission payable by the GDS company for tickets booked on their platform.
06.Here too we can define the amount per segment for each airline per GDS company.
07.While invoicing, both these commissions are calculated and stored and can be displayed in Ticket-Wise Profit Statement and also from Un-Accounted Profit & Loss statement.
Multi-Currency Features
01.Currency Master allows you to define each & every currency you wish to transact in.
02.Daily Currency Exchange Rates can be updated.
03.Every transaction will ask you to specify the Currency in which this transaction is being done.
04.A single invoice can have different currency for Client & different currency for Supplier.. So your Purchase & Sales can be in different currencies.
05.Individual Currency-Wise Books Of Accounts are maintained. Trial Balance, Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Outstandings, etc. can be generated seperately for each Currency.
06.For Finalisation, all reports such as Trial Balance, Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Ledgers, etc. can be converted into your Base Currency (at the transaction Rate Of Exchange) and printed.
07.The difference between the ROE of Sales and ROE of Receipt/Payment will Automatically be posted to Forex Gain/Loss A/C.
08.Forex Gain/Loss calculated as per the ROE of Sales Invoice and Receipt.
Location Module
01.Seperate Location Master is provided to identify every Location from which you transact.
02.You can define the Location Address and GSTIN.
03.The Location Address & GSTIN prints on the Invoices, Credit Notes, etc.
04.Every transaction, whether Sales, Purchase, Expense, Income or JV will allow you to identify the Location.
05.All reports can be generated based on Location and/or Cost Center giving you vital statistical insight into the performance of every such Location.
06.You can have the option of feeding BSP Stock Location-Wise, and then generate a Location-Wise PSR Report.
07.The accounting for each BSP Location will be posted to individual seperate BSP account codes.
08.A User Login assigned to one Location can only Add, Edit or View Reports pertaining to that Location only.
09.GST calculation (whether IGST or CGST/SGST) will be based on every Location GSTIN.
10.Seperate Location-Wise GST Reports will be generated.
Cloud Server
01.Normally you would install the database on your local machine, but then you can access this database only from within your office.
02.To allow access to your database from outside your office LAN environment, you can shift your database to a Cloud Server.
03.By "Cloud Server" it means that your database will be hosted on a very secure server, with constant monitoring for virus / malware attacks, keeping your data 100% safe & secure.
04.Cloud Server is "on" 24 x 7 x 365, allowing you to access your data at your wish and from anywhere, just using your laptop with an internet connection.
Special "Excel" Features (Not Available Elsewhere)
01.In case you have opted for Location Module, you can restrict any user to one Location only.
02.While Viewing Trial balance, you can also view its corresponding Ledger Report instantly.
03.While Viewing this Ledger Report, you can Edit any document and this will update the Ledger & Trial Balance automatically.
04.Directly Transfer tickets from any invoice to another New or Existing Invoice.
Excel Software Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.
Patanwala Bldg., 2nd Floor, Unit # 8, 62, E.S. Patanwala Marg,
Byculla (E), Mumbai. 400-027. INDIA.